Why do lizards do push ups?


The short answer

Lizards do push-ups to communicate with other lizards and regulate their body temperature.

lizard on desert ground

The long answer

Have you seen lizards doing push-ups before? If not, please enjoy this video of a lizard doing push-ups:

Lizards go up and down in a push-up for a number of reasons, mainly for communication and heat regulation. Let's start with what a lizard push-up might be communicating:

"Hello, fellow lizard."

Lizards often have great camouflage which makes them hard to see at first glance. A lizard may do an initial push-up when they see another lizard as a form of acknowledgement or helping the other lizard spot them.

"Back off!"

Flexing one's muscles is a common communication method in the animal kingdom to display dominance or strength. A lizard may do push-ups as a way to showing off how strong and impressive it is, in order to tell other lizards to scram.

"Let's make lizard babies."

Displaying one's strength is also a good way to show off how great you are to a potential mate. Many lizard species engage in head bobbing, push-ups and flapping their neck skin in order to win over a reproductive mate.

Lizard push-ups also have physiological benefits. Since lizards are cold-blooded animals, they can't control their body heat internally. When lizards move up and down rapidly, they create airflow under their bellies which helps them cool off. Additionally, this exercise helps improve blood flow, prevents cramps, and keeps their muscles strong.

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The Spanish word for "push-ups" is "lagartijas" which is the same word for "lizards."

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Haines, B. (2022, September 14). Why Do Lizards Do Push Ups? 4 Reasons for This Weird Behavior. Storyteller Travel. Retrieved January 14, 2023, from https://storyteller.travel/why-do-lizards-do-push-ups/

jaytaos. (2012, June 22). Lizard pushups! YouTube. Retrieved January 14, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQAJaBRRcIw

University of California, Riverside. (2021, June 14). How lizards communicate with their own species. UC Riverside Palm Desert Center. Retrieved January 14, 2023, from https://palmdesert.ucr.edu/calnatblog/2021/06/14/how-lizards-communicate-their-own-species

Why Do Lizards Do Push-Ups (In-Depth Look). Coachella Valley Preserve. (2021, November 22). Retrieved January 14, 2023, from https://coachellavalleypreserve.org/why-do-lizards-do-push-ups/

Caitlin Olson

Caitlin is an amateur nerd who started Today You Should Know because she wanted an excuse to Google all the questions that have popped into my head. What Caitlin lacks in expertise, she makes up for in enthusiasm.

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