Today You Should Know answers your curious questions about how the world works. Here's everything we've covered (so far) on the topic of biology. Whether you're interested in why cats “make biscuits” or how palm trees survive hurricane winds, there will definitely be something that satisfies your curiosity about how the world works.
Lizards do push-ups to show off, display dominance, and regulate heat. So we have more in common with lizards than we think!
We don’t know for sure, but crying and laughing are both ways that your brain soothes you and reduces stress. Crying while laughing could also just be because your tear ducts are getting stimulated by your face muscles.
It’s an instinct that prepares us for sleep. But you might want to think twice before doing it.
“Woooooowwwwwwooohhhhhh wwonnnkkkkkwoaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooawooooo” - Whales
If you sneeze when you look at the Sun, you probably have ACHOO syndrome (yes, this is the real name).
And learn why NASA tried to replicate purring to help fight against bone density loss in its astronauts.
The weather outside is frightful? Not to these plants.