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Why do clean sheets feel so good?

The short answer

Clean sheets feel good because the fabric is softer, cooler in temperature, better smelling, and gives you the psychological satisfaction that comes with a clean environment.

The long answer

Crawling into bed after you've changed your sheets is a top-tier feeling in life.

Right up there with taking that first sip of a cold drink on a hot day, finishing a hard workout, and slipping into a hot bath. It just *chef's kiss* hits the spot.

On top of feeling amazing, clean sheets even help you sleep better. A survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation found that 75% of people reported getting a better night's rest when their sheets were freshly cleaned.

But exactly why do clean sheets feel so good? Here are four reasons to help explain that clean-sheet-feeling:

Reason #1: Clean sheets are softer.

As you sleep, your sheets accumulate a treasure trove of oils, sweat, and dead skin cells. In fact, the average person sheds almost half a teaspoon (1.5g) of dead skin every night. Over time, these layers of impurities can make your sheets feel rough and uncomfortable.

If you need a visual metaphor, here's how Redditor creatively explained why body oils impact the texture of sheets:

Washing your sheets removes all the oils, sweat, and dead skin, leaving behind a smoother fabric. Additionally the act of washing and drying also helps break down stiffness in the sheet’s fabric fibers, enhancing their softness.

Reason #2: Clean sheets are cooler in temperature.

Clean sheets tend to feel cooler in temperature. The reason why is because the moisture from all your breathing, sweating, and drooling, along with your body oils, leads to more humidity and trapped heat. Fresh sheets allow the fabric to "breathe" and create a cooler feel.

Reason #3: Clean sheets smell better.

Depending on your laundry detergent, your clean sheets may come with added fragrances to provide a pleasant aroma. They also don't have the smell of all that sweat, oil, and, perhaps, pet dander. The "clean" smell from fresh sheets can trigger positive psychological responses leading you to feel more relaxed.

Reason #4: Clean sheets trigger positive feelings.

Additionally, there's studies showing that clean environments can boost your psychological well-being. When you know it's been way too long since you've cleaned your sheets, crawling into your bed can trigger feelings of guilt and stress. Compare that to snuggling into your clean, soft, nice-smelling bed, which gives you the added boost of feeling good about changing your sheets.

🧺🧼 Best practices for washing your sheets

Okay, so I've convinced you to wash your sheets. Here are three best practices to keep your bed feeling fresh and your sheets feeling soft:

  1. You should wash your sheets every 1-2 weeks. Wash them more often if you (or your partner) are a sweaty sleeper and/or if you share the bed with a furry companion.

  2. Use a mild detergent. Harsh chemicals can make your sheets less soft and damage the fabric.

  3. Air-dry or tumble dry your sheets on low. High heat can damage the fabric fibers and make them less soft over time.

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A Free For All of News. (2022, September 5). Why Do Bed Sheets Feel Different After Washing?. s5enter. ​​

Brakefield, A. (2021, August 13). Tips for Hot Sleepers: How Your Sheets Can Impact Your Sleep. Red Land Cotton.

Cleveland Clinic. (2023, February 16). How Often You Should Wash Your Sheets (and the Gross Reasons Why). Cleveland Clinic.

Mayer, L. (2024, February 23). The Pleasure Of Fresh Sheets: Exploring Why A Clean Bed Feels So Good. ShunClean.

Ryback, R., & Lopresti, C. (2016, June 11). The Powerful Psychology Behind Cleanliness. Psychology Today.