Why do some flowers bloom in the winter?
The weather outside is frightful? Not to these plants.
Why does your funny bone hurt when you hit it?
Hint: You’re not actually hitting the bone.
How are sloths not extinct yet from natural selection?
Survival of the fittest? Sloths have taken a different approach.
Why do lizards do push ups?
Lizards do push-ups to show off, display dominance, and regulate heat. So we have more in common with lizards than we think!
Why do I cry when I laugh hard?
We don’t know for sure, but crying and laughing are both ways that your brain soothes you and reduces stress. Crying while laughing could also just be because your tear ducts are getting stimulated by your face muscles.
Why do dogs have an extra paw pad on their front legs?
These corn-chip-smelling paw pads serve a helpful purpose.
What do antioxidants do and why do we need antioxidants if we need oxygen to survive?
Take a deep breath and then dive into the biochemistry that keeps you trucking along.
Why do we rub our eyes when we are tired?
It’s an instinct that prepares us for sleep. But you might want to think twice before doing it.
How do whales communicate with each other?
“Woooooowwwwwwooohhhhhh wwonnnkkkkkwoaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooawooooo” - Whales
How do palm trees survive hurricane winds?
It turns out that palm trees are not technically trees.
What happens to an insect that hitches a ride far from their home?
It turns out that insects are prolific hitchhikers.