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Why do we have emotions?

The short answer

Emotions are evolutionary tools designed to help us survive as social creatures. They prompt us to take actions vital for safety and belonging, facilitate non-verbal communication, and help us understand our own needs.

The long answer

I've had some ups and downs with my emotions lately. Nothing serious, just life. But it got me wondering: what's the point of emotions anyway?

Emotions can certainly bring richness and color to our lives, but sometimes they seem to "get in the way" or become something we'd rather not experience at all.

It’s helpful to re-frame emotions as tools. In a ​recent interview​, psychotherapist Dr. Annie Zimmerman describes this point beautifully:

Approaching emotions, especially negative ones, with curiosity is powerful. So in the spirit of curiosity (what this newsletter is all about), I thought it might be interesting to cover some of the evolutionary reasons why we have emotions.

Reason #1: Emotions spur actions to help us survive.

Emotions serve a vital function for us as humans. As social animals, we are hardwired to seek safety and belonging. Emotions are your body's way of prompting you to take action to retain these key needs.

This explains why emotions have such a physiological response. For example, when you feel fear, your heart typically starts racing. Your body is allocating more blood, oxygen, and energy to help you get ready to run away from danger or fight off the threat.

Each emotion we experience nudges us toward actions to help us remain safe or part of the group. Here are some examples of how emotions spur actions:

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Reason #2: Emotions help us communicate non-verbally with others.

Before we had verbal language, our ancestors relied on emotions and associated non-verbal cues for communication, a practice that remains valuable today. Facial expressions and body language speak volumes. What better way to let your friend know you've found a promising shelter than a look of pure excitement!

Here are some examples of what emotions help us non-verbally communicate to others:

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Reason #3: Emotions help us recognize what we need.

Emotions also communicate needs to ourselves. They are there to help us make sense of what's happening, guide our lives, and alter our choices. At the end of the day, emotions are data about what we need.

Here are some examples of what emotions help us reveal our needs to ourselves:

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Cherry, K. (2022, December 1). The 6 Types of Basic Emotions and Their Effect on Human Behavior . Verywell Mind.

Guy-Evans, O. (2023, November 9). Fight, Flight, Freeze, or Fawn: How We Respond to Threats. Simply Psychology.

Rogers, H. (n.d.). Why Do I Need to Have Emotions?. Moving Mindsets.

Scott, E., & Zimmerman, A. (2023, July). One Good Thing: why getting curious about your emotions could help your mental health. Stylist.